Three more states held their primaries on June 25th: Colorado, New York and Utah. This allowed me to fill in the remaining "TBD" districts for each of their competitive legislative districts, as well as several more slots on my U.S. House and Statewide Executive fundraising pages.
There are still 19 states which haven't held their primaries yet. The next one is over a month away: Arizona holds their primary on July 30th, followed by Tennessee the next day; then come Missouri, Michigan, Washington and Kansas on August 6th.
After that you have Hawaii on August 10th, followed by Vermont, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Connecticut on August 13th.
That would leave Wyoming, Alaska and Florida on August 20th, with four of the five remaining states holding theirs in September: Massachusetts on the 3rd and Delaware, New Hampshire & Rhode Island on the 10th.
Finally, there's Louisiana, which is a special case: They have a unique "Jungle Primary" on Election Day--November 5th itself. Any candidate of whatever party who receives more than 50% of the vote wins the election; otherwise it goes to a runoff election in December.